The one and the many
Year C
1st Corinthians 12:12-31
1st Corinthians 12:12-31
Unity or diversity?
The one or the many?
Challenges to a family, a company or a church should, in
the best of all possible worlds, be met with a great show of unity amongst the
members. The phone calls are made which
need to be made, the decisions taken and the resources marshalled to see the group
through its rough patch. A show of
unity. Divisions and differences are
minimized. We come to recognize what we
have in common.

That part of the world which is big and expansive escaped
us because we conformed to the supposed unity of our family, our nation or our
clan. We took on the family
narrative. We lost out on horizons.
St Paul describes the society – and he would say that the
Church is the greatest society of all because it is the one that God himself
has built – as being made up of many nations, languages and even religious
backgrounds which have been brought together and baptized into one Spirit. From the many, one people. Jews, Greeks and Barbarians, Male and Female,
Rich and poor are gathered into a unity which must defy the prejudice and clan
loyalties with which each viewed the other previously.
We are one body. But does that mean that we are the same? No and this is where Paul continues. What troops out of that Ark of baptism are all the different creatures and varieties which make the world of the Church an interesting place to be. Our gift to the world is that some of us move one way and some in other directions. We use the gifts which God has given us and we discover gifts we did not know we had.
This is an interesting time for the Church and for
churches like ours. Gathered as we are
from a variety of places we find that we have much in common. We are able to work together. In fact, we find ourselves today in a place
where the future of our small congregation requires that we pull together as
never before. What is required, though,
of each of us is not the same offering of a common gift. It begins with the “Same Spirit” - it moves
to the quite unique contribution that only you can make. God has something for you to do. God is lifting up ministries in his
Church. Which one is yours?