All Saints' Anglican Church, Rome - Sunday Service in a Tin - Easter 3

We did, in fact, have a Low Sunday Service on Zoom last week. It is traditionally the Vicar's light week - the week after Easter Sunday and I wasn't much inclined to edit, paste and stitch so nothing appeared here. The word among our parishioners was that what they were missing most was, in fact, each other and that the pre-recorded services which we had been putting together during Lent and Passiontide here (and linked from our Facebook page and our Website) while ticking some of the boxes did not, in fact take care of one of the primary needs of our congregation in this time of isolation which was simply to see each other and to form a community as they are used to doing and being. Which makes sense.
So - we've needed to adapt and to try to find the best of two different worlds. We gathered as a community at the usual time this morning via Zoom. It was better than last week but still not perfect. For those of you who are unable to do that or who want to check in during the week there will be a piece of edited video and audio for you to see online. It all appears below

What you have here, then, are the readings, the sermon and the intercessions from our service which we will have opened within the Zoom platform itself and shared with those who have gathered and signed in at 10:30 AM on a Sunday morning. Missing will be the social element - checking in with each other - responsive prayers, etc. For that you'll need to join us on a Sunday
A prelude
An opening hymn
The Ministry of the Word
Readings, Homily and Intercessions
A hymn to finish off with