Easter 5 - Sunday Service in a Tin - the Ministry of the Word

Many thanks to all who joined us for our Zoom Service online this morning.  If you were unable to attend this morning, or if you live in a time zone which made this impossible, we are pleased to provide a nugget of what we did this morning in the Youtube video below.  If you would like to join us on Zoom please make reference to our church website on the Friday or the Saturday before next week's service or contact me at


Many blessings to you and your families from the congregation of All Saints' Church in Rome.


With respect to our offering this morning: As you might imagine, churches such as ours in Italy are highly dependent on revenue from concerts and other rentals of space which are impossible at the present moment.  These are uncertain times for us and we would be grateful for your generosity at this moment in our history.  If you have the ability and willingness to help sustain us during this time, please use the link below to donate, no matter where you live.  If you live in the UK or in the United States and feel moved to support us with a significant donation at this time please be in touch as there are ways in which you can make a donation to All Saints' Anglican Church in Rome and with the same tax considerations which you would receive were you to donate to a local church or charitable concern in the UK or the U.S..

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