My eyes have seen your salvation
The Feast of the Presentation
Luke 2:22-40
Simeon took him [Jesus] in his arms and praised
God, saying, "Master, now you are dismissing your servant in peace,
according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have
prepared in the presence of all people…”
How important do you think you are? I hope you think you’re important.
Small particles are attracted to large
bodies. We call that gravity.
And, after all, aren’t our treasured attributes
oftentimes inherited? They’re not,
then, completely our own. We glean
things from teachers, we share our mother’s sense of
humour, our parents’ DNA. We are creatures of our culture and age and
so the thing that is us in a sense isn’t completely us or at least isn’t completely our own
Proclaim the importance of the people around
you. Help the little ones you raise and
the people you care for gather to themselves the sense of self-worth which is requisite
and necessary in this life. But in the
full flower of your maturity do cultivate that ability to let it slip to the
side in the presence of things which are bigger and better than you can ever
hope to be.